12 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2013

8. Lost Planet 3

Lp3 GIANT ENEMY CRAB!! Yes, Lost Planet 3 actually came out. Did you know? Not many did. There was one upon a time that people genuinely liked Lost Planet. The original was a fun little new IP with big monsters, lots of orange goo and some robots to pilot, and wasn't a bad game at the time. The sequel had some hype behind it, but ultimately fell a bit flat after it was a bit pants. Of course, in the inevitable way that logic works, the failure of the first sequel promptly sparked an idea for a third. It could have been a revitalisation - but absolutely no discernible marketing behind the product, little information and the fact that practically no-one knew it existed all combined together to make Lost Planet 3 a disappointment in a series that actually had potential at one point. Ironically, Lost Planet 3 rapidly was lost in a sea of other titles in the game stores. I do apologise for that one. I've awarded myself the bad pun award. If you do ever fancy checking it out, LP3 received average review scores, but does have robots, snow and a dude with a beard to enjoy. That's about it really.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.