12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

2. Devil May Cry 5

DMC is a weird series when you look back on it. The first game (itself born as Resident Evil 4 until Hideki Kamiya took it in another direction) was just wall-to-wall fantastic, throwing out boss encounters, memorable weapons, one-liners and characters that even today you can easily revisit and get a kick out of. Then they had their 'dark sequel' moment, and the spunky energetic Dante became a shoe-gazing fop who barely said a thing throughout. DMC 3 returned to the series' highs until 4 cast you as a Dante-lookalike, then Ninja Theory took over for the rebooted DmC: Devil May Cry; a mechanically tight experience that still lacked the necessary character we knew and loved. Ninja Theory are now working on their new title Hellblade, so it's over to Capcom to pick up the pieces - but to be honest with Kamiya over at Platinum Games - having just put out the phenomenal Bayonetta 2 among others - the idea of a Platinum Games'-developed Devil May Cry game would be a perfect fit.
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