12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

8. Fallout 4

Covered in the site's 'Things That Must Happen In 2015', an official release statement, screenshot or anything relating to the development of Fallout 4 would be music to tens of thousands of fans' ears. So far all we've had to go off is a string of rumours, supposed 'leaks' (that were then proven false) and other mentions of the game in interviews that apparently exists behind closed doors. We're not at Half-Life 3-levels of "Does this even exist?!" just yet, but it's starting to feel like it. Every major press event this year will be predated by chatter around Bethesda's post-apocalyptic masterpiece, and for that one moment when the lights dim and the footage starts to show a soldier in Power Armour... it'll all be worth it.
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