12 Gaming Predictions For 2020 (Now E3 Isn't Happening)

2. Nintendo's Summer Direct Reveals Splatoon 3 For November & A Game Pass-Style Subscription Service

Splatoon 2

Nintendo's inevitable summer Direct livestream in place of their usual E3 Direct feels like the right time for the company to finally announce a third Splatoon game, given that this summer will mark three years since the release of the second game.

Considering the barely two-year gap between the first two games, we're certainly overdue a third entry, and so an impending reveal for a November release makes a lot of sense.

A slightly bolder prediction, now. There have been industry murmurs for some time that Nintendo is partnering with Microsoft on some sort of streaming technology, rumoured to be a Game Pass-style streaming service to accentuate the existing Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

While it's a little out-there, what if Nintendo confirms an enhanced subscription tier which allows players to stream a library of contemporary games, both indie and AAA, with perhaps some downloadable options also?

It'd be another fantastic way to further diversify the Switch's already extremely impressive versatility, while also giving players an extremely competitive means to play a variety of games on the Switch without needing to go through the infamously pricey eShop.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.