12 Gaming Predictions For 2020 (Now E3 Isn't Happening)

11. Warner Bros. Hosts Their Own Reveal Event For New Batman & Harry Potter Games

batman arkham knight

According to Kotaku's resident sleuth Jason Schreier, Warner Bros. was actually planning to host their own E3 conference for the first time this year, where they were expected to reveal not only Rocksteady's top-secret new Batman game, but also their long-gestating Harry Potter RPG.

With E3's cancellation, it's extremely likely that Warner Bros. will instead announce their own Nintendo Direct-style digital event for some time over the summer, where they'll finally lift the lid on these aforementioned titles.

If rumours can be believed, the Batman game is reportedly a "soft reboot" of the Batman: Arkham franchise which will also intend to launch a new DC Games Universe, which ties into rumours that Warner Bros. also has a next-gen Superman game in development under the same branding.

Though the unveiling of Rocksteady's new Batman game has been rumoured for practically every year since the 2015 release of Arkham Knight, it seems like 2020 might be the year that the curtain is finally lifted.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.