12 Gaming Predictions For The Rest Of 2017

2. Star Wars Battlefront II Is A Massively Improved Sequel

Star Wars Battlefront 2

The Prediction: Star Wars Battlefront II will end up a significant improvement on its underwhelming 2014 predecessor.

Why It Will Happen: What's most surprising about everything EA has shown off for Battlefront II so far is just how damn consumer-friendly the game seems, coming with a single-player campaign, a wealth of free DLC that doesn't seem egregiously carved out of the core experience, and apparently no season pass.

The gameplay at E3 certainly looked terrific, and with more fanboy-friendly features you won't need to shell out extra cash for, it seems pretty damn certain it'll rack up more than the last game's disappointing 71-75 Metascore across platforms.

Why It Might Not: One word: micro-transactions. Though all the details aren't yet clear, it's been reported that the game will allow players to buy cards with real money which can be used to upgrade their characters, giving them an assumed advantage online.

EA's official word is that this isn't pay-to-win, though if the micro-transactions aren't meticulously balanced, it's hard to imagine it feeling any other way. As great as the game looks, this could totally sink it right out of the gate if mishandled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.