12 Gaming Sequels That Aren't In Development (But Really Should Be)

11. Unreal Tournament 4

The Unreal Tournament series was one of the premiere FPS franchises in the late 90s and early 2000s, with each subsequent UT game building on the one that came before, be it by way of larger maps, more ambitious modes, or as is my personal favourite, the addition of vehicles. Unreal Tournament III saw the series also move confidently to proper console-based online play alongside its better-established PC counterpart, and one of the crucial things about the game is that it was released just as the Call of Duty phenomenon began to hit. The series hasn't released a game since (that's just over 6 years), which would suggest that Epic Games can't figure out a way to compete with a franchise that has very much cornered the online FPS market. However, with its distinctly different tone, weapons and subject matter, it shouldn't be hard to sell a new UT game, and if the post-COD FPS revolution means that we will have levelling up and a clearer sense of progression in the next Unreal Tournament, I don't think many will be complaining. Despite Epic talking up their Unreal Engine 4.0 last year, little has been said of the possibility of UT4, so we can assume it hasn't gone anywhere yet.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.