12 Gaming Sequels That Aren't In Development (But Really Should Be)

10. Dino Crisis 4

Dino Crisis is the lesser-known little sister of the Resident Evil games, developed by Capcom as well and boasting a similar gameplay style, as you attempt to outrun a mob of hungry dinosaurs to find your way to salvation. The second game in the series took a more arcade-orientated approach, which while jarringly different, was still mostly enjoyable to play, but the third game, which took a wild sci-fi left-turn, received mixed reviews and was a sales disaster, effectively killing the franchise dead. To be fair, this one's more ripe for a reboot above all else, but I'd love to see a sequel that disregarded the third game and simply reconvened from the second one, with a slightly more grounded premise and a back-to-basics approach, albeit encompassing the gameplay advancements made in the survival horror genre in the last decade and a half. The series has never managed to catch on in the same way as its older brother, though, so don't count on it.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.