12 Greatest Beat ‘Em Up Video Games Of All Time

10. Tekken Tag Tournament (1999)

The Tekken series is one of the most successful beat €˜em up franchises in console history. It€™s huge roster of iconic characters and enjoyable story mean that €“ regardless of the incredible gameplay €“ often people want to keep up with the games just because the narrative is so compelling. Due to the fact that the Tekken universe has been growing since its first release in 1994, it means some characters aren€™t present in all of the games, causing much disappointment if you€™re a fan of one who didn€™t make the cut. This is why Tekken Tag Tournament is so great; it€™s separate from the main canon of Namco's superb fighting games and features nearly every character hitherto seen in the uber-popular series. In this instalment to the franchise we see the return of many popular characters who had not been in the previous instalment (Tekken 3) with the homecoming of Michelle, Kunimitsu and Jun as playable characters. As well as its sprawling roster, the game also made some huge departures away from the main body of games in terms of its gameplay thanks to picking two characters that can €˜tag in€™ a partner to aid you in combat. If timed correctly you can also pull off fantastic double team moves which deal more damage to your opponent and make you look like you€™re the collective Kings of the Iron Fist. There is also has a novelty mini game for when you€™re bored of beating the colour out of Heihachi€™s moustache and instead fancy a spot of bowling. What€™s not to love?

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.