12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

5. Elizabeth Directly References Bioshock Infinite's Delay

bioshock infinite

In a weird spot of pub trivia, 2013 saw two games centred around a male/female duo visiting all sorts of areas and providing commentary on them.

The Last of Us did so across Boston and saw Ellie talk about bands and society, whereas Infinite used Elizabeth to shed light on how much the dev team were aware of the game's delay before release.

If you take time to explore the arcade (and don't just sprint through) Elizabeth will sprint up to the machine for 'Flawless Flintlock', before noting it's "the newest one in the series" that has "been delayed three times."

This was a direct callback to the general reception surrounding Bioshock Infinite and its repeated delays, as the team struggled to nail down a final retail version.

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