12 Most Hotly-Anticipated Video Games Of Summer 2017 - Ranked

7. Rime

Rime game

Little is known about TequilaWorks' ace little puzzle-platformer other than some light comparisons to the open-ended nature of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but from what footage is out there, it's on-point to be another critical darling.

Opening with a young boy washing up on a gorgeous island, you set about exploring, interacting and conquering the landscape in a way that feels a lot like how The Witness had various 'zones' of puzzles, it was just up to you to see how they correlate.

Speaking of which, there's everything from item-triggering pedestals to perspective-based alignments where you'll need to be standing in the precise spot to proceed, the pace of the whole thing looking to play like a blend of Breath of the Wild, The Witness and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

It's definitely a palette-cleanser when held up against the vast majority of this summer's other games, but that's precisely why you might be more up for taking a step back, climbing a mountain and feeling the wind whistle past your ears instead.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.