12 Most Hotly-Anticipated Video Games Of Summer 2017 - Ranked

6. Dragon Quest XI

dragon quest XI
Square Enix

Considering Dragon Quest is one of the biggest RPG franchises in history, in recent years it's slowly fell into that same headspace as Persona; a beloved, 100-hour long extravaganza of character and charm forever destined to be recommended, rather than bought en masse.

For this newest instalment, Square Enix are revamping the experience to please fans of both the new and old school instalments simultaneously. To that end, they're introducing '3D Mode' and '2D Mode', both of which can crossover, resulting in a blend of active or turn-based combat.

Firstly, '3D Mode' is more like Dragon Quest Heroes where you can choose to move your character around in real time, selecting commands from a menu window, whilst '2D Mode' converts and retrofits the graphical presentation to that of a NES game; top-down, angular towns/fields and sprites galore.

Within these two modes are a number of additional customisation options so you can experience the 'Dragon Quest experience' however you prefer. Basically, if you're into JRPGs and have seen the likes of Final Fantasy and Bravely Default go in a variety of ways to please consumers and demographics, having every major mode of play available is going to make this one of the finest RPGs of them all.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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