12 Original Playstation Games You Forgot You Loved

1. Die Hard Trilogy

As if a trio of Bruce Willis-fronted Die Hard films wasn€™t enough action to fill the 90's, in 1996 Fox Interactive released Die Hard Trilogy, a game that took all the best bits from the three movies and mashed them together into an action packed, blood soaked fun-fest. But that€™s not all€ it was three games in one! The first is a third-person shooter in which you take control of John McClane, thwarting the terrorists€™ plot to blow up Nakatomi Plaza. In round two you are at Dulles Airport in an on-the-rails shooter, this time stopping the terrorists€™ plot to blow up aeroplanes. In the third section you are driving around New York, thwarting the terrorists€™ plot to blow u... well, you get the idea. What other gems from your childhood do you still love today? Let us know in the comments!
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I love playing music, I love playing games and I love to tell everyone about it.