12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

9. Axiom Verge

Sometimes it's pretty crazy what tiny development teams can accomplish; Hotline Miami's 1 and 2 were both coded by two guys, with Fez and Braid being the works of Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow respectively. For 2015, it's Thomas Happ who's making digital waves all over again, creating his own personal tribute to the Metroid franchise by putting out the overwhelmingly detailed Axiom Verge; a side-scroller that sees hero Trace dropped into a world populated by all manner of creatures - only for him to both blast his way out and bring about a revolution in the process. Axiom slightly stumbles when it comes to world layout, as this is more Metroid than Bloodborne is unforgiving, meaning you'll be forever journeying around to see which new item you've obtained can trigger what in the environment to progress. Luckily, general movement is as tight as they come and the general rollout of upgrades is consistent, ranging from weapon-specific buffs to morphing Trace's core abilities in all manner of directions - meaning once you get the hang of things, Axiom grabs tight ahold and never lets go.
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