12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

8. Dark Sector

Take Gears of War's stop n' pop cover system, add in an upgrade system and throw in a whopping great spinning glaive that can cleave enemies in half, and you've got Dark Sector. Divisive in its day thanks specifically to being 'more of the same' third-person combat, it didn't get in the way of the gameplay, and with the aforementioned glaive, lobbing it into a platoon of enemies and severing all their legs in one epic slow-motion special attack was just fantastic. Things got even better when you factored in elemental powers for the blade itself, meaning if you bounced it off any heat source you could carry that over and set people alight - or just use the follow-cam to keep up with your whirling disc of death as it left a trail of screams and whimpers behind. Overall that story was about as non-existent as Destiny, but when it all played and looked this good - it honestly didn't matter.
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