12 Times Movies Got Video Games Wrong
9. There's No Game In The Sega Game Gear - Rumble In The Bronx
This 1995 Jackie Chan-starring martial arts classic is memorable for many reasons, perhaps most of all a baffling sequence in which a disabled young boy by the name of Danny (Morgan Lam) appears to be playing with a Sega Game Gear given to him by Chan's protagonist Ma Hon Keung.
Except, you know, there's clearly no game in the cartridge slot.
This obviously wouldn't be an issue for a handheld today, as they all largely possess the ability to download games onto internal storage, but the Game Gear, released way back in 1990, wasn't quite so fortunate.
You could argue that poor old Danny was just pretending to play with the device, but that wouldn't explain why we can hear some stereotypical 8-bit sounds faintly playing in the background. Hasn't he suffered enough already?