12 Unbelievable Indie Games That Deserved Your Attention In 2013

9. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PSN, XBLA, PC)

Without a doubt the most visually stunning of the games on this list, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons also boasts a much bigger development team and funding behind it, though it remains indie at heart. A short three-hour run time means that, much like The Novelist preceding it, Brothers can at times feel like a much more cinematic experience with a deep emotional involvement revolving around the characters. Controlling both brothers at once is, for the most part, an enjoyable experience, though in some of the more difficult puzzles you can be left feeling a little overwhelmed. There is most definitely a point trying to be made in Brothers, particularly looking at the importance of family. Because the game is so brief, however, you're left wondering if there could have only been a little more in order to really drive that point across. Yet still, you're given enough of an insight for the necessary point to be obvious. In terms of gameplay, Brothers proved to be one of the standout highlights of an otherwise slightly uninspiring year for the PSN and XBLA, perhaps highlighting that this was also the year of the PC Indie game.

22 year old Journalist/Producer, with far too much to do and spends far too little of his time actually doing any of it. You can find me on Twitter (@KatsJonouchi) or on my YouTube (katsinthebox)