12 Video Game Villains Who Lost To Complete Idiots

9. Captain Flynt (Borderlands 2)

One of the first bosses you'll encounter in Borderlands 2 is Captain Flynt, bandit extraordinaire of the Southern Shelf, under orders from his former prisoner Claptrap. That's right, Claptrap, the occasionally funny but always annoying mascot of the Borderlands series. The fact that Flynt let Claptrap escape from his grips is impressive. Claptrap frequently references the torture he received at Flynt's hands and Flynt can be heard yelling for the return of his "torture doll" throughout the area. Not only did Claptrap escape, but he formed a mutiny in order to do so, implying that Claptrap managed to convince members of Flynt's crew to abandon him as well. Claptrap also went on to recruit the newly arrived Vault Hunters to overcome Flynt, his entire crew and the various traps and dangers of his giant pirate ship. How bad a bandit captain must Flynt be to let one of the dumbest robots in gaming defeat him in that manner?
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.