12 Video Game Villains Who Lost To Complete Idiots

8. The Guardian (Ultima IX)

Ultima is renowned as one of the finest role-playing series of all time, although Ultima IX did a lot to try and dampen that reputation. Rushed to release, it was regarded as unfinished by a portion of the fanbase, while others have gone as far as to declare it a non-canon game. It did feature a hilarious new change to the player character 'The Avatar' though, with the player being able to ask questions about previous events in the Ultima series which made the Avatar look incredibly stupid. Infamously, in one scenario, the Avatar can ask "What's a Paladin?" when one of the Avatar's loyal companions Dupre (who sacrifices himself at the end of Ultima VII: Part Two to save the Avatar) is a world-famous Paladin. The Guardian is the villain of the final four Ultima games; an inter-dimensional being that simply wants to destroy worlds €“ is it too much to ask? He also originates from the Avatar's evil side which was shed by the main man at the end of Ultima IV €“ this creates a whole series of plot inconsistencies though; another reason fans shun this game's story. The Guardian possesses psychic abilities and is supposed to be near indestructible outside of his own dimension €“ plus, he's a big red dude and that's pretty intimidating. The fact that this newly amnesiac Avatar manages to defeat the Guardian for good at the end of Ultima IX is an amazing feat then. The poor reception to this game meant that it would be the last we've seen of both characters and the series as a whole; perhaps a blessing for the clearly incompetent Guardian.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.