12 Video Games Marketed Entirely On Boobs

4. Yakyuken Special

The Boobs: Firstly, if you're thinking this looks more like a snuff film from the mid-1990s (with a gun held to the young girl's head just out of shot) rather than a video game, nobody could blame you. Yakyuken Special is a video game version of the famous Japanese game Yakyuken, which is essentially strip rock-paper-scissors, with a player victory resulting in them being "rewarded" with an awkward, poorly-shot video of a demure Japanese woman taking her clothes off to cheesy music. But Was The Game Any Good?: In case you hadn't guessed, no, hence why the game was never released outside of Japan. Going by the litany of videos posted to YouTube, Yakyuken isn't so much sexy as a game that just makes you feel sorry for the women involved, almost all of whom appear to be wanting to be anywhere else. Plus, who seriously buys a rock-paper-scissors video game? Still, the Yakyuken video game genre has been popular in the country for over 3 decades, so screw us, right?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.