12 Video Games That Are Long Overdue Sequels

We've already been waiting far too long.

Sunset Overdrive 2

Every year we're subjected to the latest entry in many of gaming's largest sports franchises, usually churned out by the sports studios of behemoth games publishers. FIFA, NBA, Football Manager, and even Tiger Woods get games pretty much annually. Obviously it's like that because they make a ton of money, so as long as there's the same fervent consumer demand, the studios will be more than willing to satisfy it.

However, when the primary difference between these annual releases is the number on the front of the box, it becomes a jading experience. Because of that, it's nice to fantasise about getting sequels to different types of games. These could be additions to a small underserved franchise with a pre-existing fanbase, or a sequel to a loved original IP that expands the narrative. Getting a sequels like that would be great, right?

So, instead of being stuck in an endless cycle of Call of Duty games, or whatever the latest battle royale craze trying to micro transaction your bank account into bankruptcy is, let's get a sequel to some of these revered properties instead.

12. Power Stone

Sunset Overdrive 2

This entry is for all the Dreamcast fanboys out there. There can be no denying that another Power Stone game release should be in order, especially considering that battle royale games like Fall Guys are proving to be such extraordinary hits of late. It's clearly the right moment in time that Capcom take a break from remaking the Resident Evil series and deliver us a fresh slice of arena fighting mayhem. That is unless they're remaking Dino Crisis. Then we can wait.

But in all seriousness, much has been made about how the Dreamcast was, and still is, much better than its sales performance indicated. Its game library may not necessarily be deep, but it had some stone cold classic party and arcade games.

It has been 20 long cold years since Power Stone 2 hit the console, and every day that goes by without number 3 just makes the world a sadder place. At the very least Capcom, give us the Power Stone Collection on the new generation of consoles. Pretty please.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.