12 Worst Star Wars Video Games

2. Star Wars: Yoda Stories

One of the worst-reviewed Star Wars titles in the history of the property is still just as hilarious to lay your eyes on today as it was back in 1997. Playing as an oversized, bobble head-looking Luke Skywalker it was clear LucasArts had been getting stuck into the Zelda series when conceptualising this one. Yoda himself barely makes an appearance, and the game itself follows the most protracted 'bread-crumb trail' design you'll know and hate. Need to open this chest? Go find a key, but the key belongs to someone who wants you to fetch something. Go do that and find you need a handful of things to get to that area... rinse and repeat, but it's just tiring. The only upside was seeing the worlds of Star Wars in game-form at all, but considering the whole thing felt about as pleasant as a stint in the Death Star's garbage-crusher, it was easily left alone.
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