13 Biggest Things We Learned From E3 2018's Press Conferences

2. We Still Have No Idea What Death Stranding Actually Is

E3 2018

For the past two E3 showcases, we've wondered what on earth Death Stranding is. From Norman Reedus having a baby lodged down his throat to Mads Mikkelson following a dolls head through a sewer, nothing in Hideo Kojima's newest creation appears to make much sense. That's why, when we were told we'd get gameplay this year, we finally expected we'd understand what made this sci-fi horror tick. As is to be expected from the legendary game designer, we were completely incorrect.

As Death Stranding graced Sony's stage, we saw long, sweeping shots of Reedus wading through streams, pulling off his toenails and being devoured by large, shadowy foetus monsters, all of which further confused us on the game's purpose rather than delivering us answers.

Naturally, it seems that Kojima's bizarre tale is going to keep us mystified up until its release date, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

For a game director so infamous for his baffling narrative decisions and gameplay mechanics, Kojima's work on Death Stranding is exciting to players who have come to know and love the oddity of his work. There's no one quite like him, and not yet understanding what the game really is leaves us all the more curious for when we play it.


Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.