13 Biggest Things We Learned From E3 2018's Press Conferences

11. Smash Is Nintendo's Sole Priority For The Time Being

E3 2018

It's hard to blame gamers for being slightly disappointed with Nintendo's conference this year. Aside from the reveal of a brand new Mario Party and a proper unveiling of the next entry in the Fire Emblem series, the Direct was lacking in many meaningful announcements. Instead, the company focused their efforts on detailing Super Smash Bros Ultimate, displaying the giant roster, an assortment of stages and a variety of new designs for the characters.

It's clear that the game is highly valued at Nintendo, the company electing to pass on revealing or highlighting anything else releasing in 2018. Smash having such a big presence is a strong hint that it's Nintendo's top priority going forward, a truth that is either a huge positive or a glaring negative depending on your opinion towards the crossover phenomenon.

Whilst having Nintendo be so committed to making the highly-anticipated sequel a raging success is exciting, only time will tell whether the companies lack of attention towards the rest of its first-party line-up could become an issue. Last year, Nintendo dropped Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey in quick succession, meaning that regardless of what games they enjoyed, Switch owners had something big to play.

With only Smash releasing this year, Nintendo is playing a much riskier game.


Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.