13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

5. Auron (Final Fantasy X)

The line: "It's been long enough. This, is your world now" For some Final Fantasy X is the last great game in the series, whilst others point to the emergence of characters being revealed as ghosts and protagonists with giant alien father-figures as going that little bit too far. Regardless, the presence of Auron throughout is something that's rarely up for debate despite your take on everything when the credits are rolling. It turns out as the game progresses that under that silent exterior he's an 'Unsent' - a spirit departed from its original body, yet one that has not found peace - and as such as helping Tidus on his journey until his time comes. Ending his time in the game on a suitably sombre note as Yuna performs the sending ceremony and he bids farewell to each party member, a suitably Final Fantasy VII-sounding Shinra-style score plays underneath, assuring the player that this is for the best and powering us all through to the final encounter.
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