13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

7. Officer Frank Tenpenny (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)

The line: "Come on, a**holes. I'll take you all. You're mine! Mine! I run this town! Hey, over here! Officer down! Come on! HEY! A**holes! You never understood what I did! Fifty of me and this town would be okay. I took the trash out! I did! And I'd do it all again..." Rockstar love to pay tribute to the filmic greats - you need only look at GTA IV's first bank heist to get a very strong Heat vibe, and that's before you start delving into the handful of them available in GTA V. Back on San Andreas though and the downfall of Samuel L. Jackson's Tenpenny is straight-up Denzel Washington in Training Day. For those who haven't seen that film, both it and the end of SA almost perfectly mirror each other. Jackson's Tenpenny and Washington's Alonzo Harris both find themselves burnt out and in weakened states, slap bang in the middle of gang territory - and both decide to run their mouths off before finally dying too. Coming after one of the longest missions in GTA history, we were more than glad to find out Tenpenny wasn't coming back for more. Thanks to Rockstar for finally including some form of checkpoint system in their newer games, as there's hardly anyone on Earth who finished this one first try.
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