13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

6. Mona Sax (Max Payne 2)

The line: "God, I turned out to be such a damsel in distress." Remedy's film noir-tribute series Max Payne remains one of the most replayable games going in terms of core mechanics, and also one of a few titles that has an identity all its own thanks to a cast of fantastic characters and dialogue more quotable than a Stallone flick. Come part two it did feel slightly like the plot threads were being stretched a bit thin, especially when it was revealed that Mona had survived being shot at a very close range. However that didn't stop Remedy from working their magic with the script, turning Mona's last hurrah throughout the game into a very memorable one. She even gets the drop on Max before being shot in the back by Vladimir Lem, referencing the fate of her already-slain helpless twin sister with her final line.
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