13 Phenomenal Titles That Make You Proud To Be A Gamer

10. Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow Of The Colossus Shadow of the Colossus and spiritual prequel Ico were some of the first titles that although they wore bigger budget clothing, would forever be powered by an indie heart. As if guiding the fragile Yorda around a labyrinthine castle wasn€™t enough to get you invested in the lives of others, Colossus gave you a trusty steed in the always-loyal Agro. The resulting mutual bond you foster whilst journeying across the plains is a relationship unique to player-projection and total immersion within a gameworld. That€™s not to mention the overall sparse landscape that only reward those who venture deep enough, alongside effortlessly tying in religious and environmental themes into its core tale of felling twelve mighty beasts for apparently no reason other than essentially €˜man vs. nature€™. It€™s is a wondrous story constantly referred to as one of the €˜turning points€™ for gaming€™s foray into artistic interpretation, and remains a must-play if you€™re still wondering what all the fuss is about.
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