13 Severely Underrated Horror Games You Must Play For Halloween

5. Silent Hill 4: The Room

Home is where we're safe... at least, that's what we want to believe. It doesn't matter how scary the world seems sometimes, the thought of walking through that door is usually enough to dispel any phantoms that might be lingering around. But what do you do when your domicile becomes host to an evil you can't begin to fathom? That's the question at the heart of Silent Hill 4 which revolves around the central concept of a man who's been trapped in his own apartment. When a hole appears in his bathroom wall, Henry Townshend discovers he can use it to explore alternate realms. Venturing further into these realms brings him face to face with horrors beyond his comprehension, and he soon realizes that the killings taking place in this dimension correspond with several murders in the 'real world'. Who's slaughtering these people, and why? What's Henry's connection to the murders? Silent Hill 4 is shot through with a palpable sense of foreboding, and the terror is only amplified once you realize that Henry's room - the only place that's provided refuge from the outside world - is becoming slowly infested by the evil that's spilling through the portal.

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