14 Forgotten Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Sequels

5. Vanquish

Platinum Games are busy refining their latest RPG/action-slasher, Scalebound, but it's the likes of Vanquish that would make for a perfect followup, especially considering their more reputable status as a consistently brilliant developer would get more gamers in on the action. Essentially Gears of War on rocket-powered steroids, you play as Sam Gideon - super-soldier from a whole platoon of one-liner spouting badasses whose particular abilities are tied to jet-boosting mech suits. It let you slow down time and get a better look at the battlefield as thousands of particle effects filled the screen, fired you towards or around enemies in a blur of flaming energy - and kept the pace of gameplay teetering on lightspeed at all times. Like all of Platinum Games' releases it revels in the most over-the-top spectacles possible, but with a focus on gunplay and movement, also meant the maelstrom of bullet-spitting chaos had you at the centre. As Gears of War is about to get an Ultimate Edition and Remedy's Quantum Break is helping provide a resurgence of third-person shooters on a triple-A scale, hopefully we're on the cusp of a full genre revival.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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