14 Forgotten Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Sequels

7. God Hand

Y'know that scene in God of War II, where after a long and drawn out battle with a flying Theseus, Kratos slams his head in a door and proceeds to smush it into paste - asking you to hammer on the circle button to make it all happen? God Hand is that, x1000 in terms of satisfaction and strung out across a whole campaign of brutally over-the-top Dragon Ball Z-esque roaring showdowns and fantastically impactful finishers. Easily one of the most underrated games of all time, Clover Studios' absolutely nailed what it takes to make quick-time events work, and although so many developers tend to just throw them into any old animation for the sake of it (looking at you, The Order: 1886), there was something about their approach to over-shoulder combat that really made every hit feel weighty and tactile, despite the game's hefty runtime. Too many titles have essentially ruined the appeal of button-mashing as events play out on screen, but as 2013's Asura's Wrath proved, there's always a way to do it if everything matches up perfectly with the freneticism of what you're pulling off on the pad. And if there's one game that's justifiably over-the-top in the best way possible, it's God Hand.
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