14 Beloved Video Games That Criminally Never Got Sequels
10. Kung Fu Chaos
Early Xbox owners may remember Kung Fu Chaos as one of the final entries in the 'party game' genre. Where now you're usually expected to dive online and get headshot'd by some angry teenager in another country, titles like Kung Fu Chaos carried on the polarising legacy left behind from the likes of Mario Party and Crash Bash. Featuring a plethora of mini-games and an off-the-wall stupid set-up, you'd play as any number of kung-fu action heroes acting out scenes for one Shao Ting, a director who's set up a cavalcade of movie sets that parody other major Hollywood blockbusters. Sure it didn't play perfectly - pretty much on the same level as the aforementioned party titles really - but it was a huge amount of fun if you could gather some friends together in the same room. Going from avoiding Jurassic Park-style dinosaurs to throwing ice cubes at each other on the Titanic level and finishing with a bout of dodging a pole as you balanced on a podium, Total Wipeout-style, KFC (cringe at your own discretion) would be a welcome breath of fresh air to the online-only focus we're currently experiencing.