14 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of 2014

7. Gamergate Makes Everyone Look Stupid

The Moment: After indie game developer Zoe Quinn became embroiled in a scandal over whether or not she slept with a Kotaku journalist in exchange for positive press (she didn't), rampant misogynists used the veil of championing journalistic ethics to attack female video game developers and critics en masse in what has been described as a culture war against the widening popularity (with women) of video games. Why It's WTF: While it's easy to write off the basement-dwelling trolls writing this hateful nonsense as just that, it's difficult to ignore the malicious bile when it leaves such a negative impression to non-gamers about gaming as a whole and the types of people who play games. The mass media of course jumped on the bandwagon, ignoring the fact that the majority of gamers were strictly opposed to the spiteful heart of the movement even if they agreed with the ethics argument. Sadly even the arguments against Gamergate were often childish and inane, so pretty much everyone ended up looking like an a**.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.