14 Completely Overlooked PS4 Games You're Totally Missing Out On

1. Ratchet & Clank

ratchet and clank

If You Already Like: Original Ratchet & Clank, Grow Home, Jak II: Renegade.

For as much as we look forward to something like Yooka-Laylee reviving the third-person platformer genre in earnest, many don't seem to realise that Ratchet & Clank already did so with style at the start of 2016.

Seeing Insomniac return to the franchise that put them on the map following Spyro's demise, the all-new Ratchet is a perfect blend of the old school and the new, mixing standard 3D platforming with a one-button toggle that turns everything into a more standard shooter setup.

As the later Ratchet games would go down this route that alienated so many fans of the original, it's refreshing to see Insomniac find a way to please both camps. Ratchet & Clank is one of the best looking games this generation by quite a considerable margin, and being a The Force Awakens/Creed-style soft reboot (the story is told by one of the original characters), it's the perfect way to experience it, regardless of if you're a fan of the new or the old.

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