14 Completely Overlooked PS4 Games You're Totally Missing Out On

12. This War Of Mine - The Little Ones

This War of Mine the little ones
11 bit Studios

If You Already Like: The Last of Us, The Sims, Telltale's The Walking Dead.

Speaking of original concepts in gaming, This War of Mine puts you in the shoes of a band of survivors following an unknown conflict, as they do whatever's necessary to reach the next day.

Add-on/re-release The Little Ones actually adds children to the mix, setting you up for some incredibly impactful moments where you might have one character slowly dying of hunger in one room, as a radio plays away keeping a child company in another.

The entire project was inspired by the Siege of Sarajevo between 1992-96, and in game form, you could easily imagine its events happening after any Battlefield or Call of Duty. We tend not to think of the aftermath of wars or conflicts (especially in video games), but This War of Mine brings that to light in a very moving way.

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