14 Controversial Video Game Moments That Pissed Off The Fanboys

6. But The Aliens: Colonial Marines Demo Looked So Much Better!

It seems that false advertising of triple A titles really runs rampant in the gaming industry. Another fine example of this is SEGA's Aliens: Colonial Marines, released in February 2013. Based on the famous Aliens films, the game was suppose to appeal to both Aliens film fans and gamers who wanted to play as a Colonial Marine as part of a platoon who are all trapped within an alien infestation. It seemed like the perfect Aliens game according to Gearbox's impressive demo presentations. Unfortunately, like all falsely advertised games, the final product was a different story. Mainly, the final graphics suffered a dip in quality. This combined with the faulty AI and persistent bugs resulted in a game that neither looked or felt like the one previous shown in those demonstrations. However, things would get more heated when a Reddit whistleblower claimed that Gearbox pulled developers away from working on A:CM while still collecting payment from SEGA who eventually found out and temporarily halted the development of the game back in in 2008. While ACM did make it to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, the Wii U version -- the one that possibly possessed the most potential thanks to its unique gamepad features -- was canned completely. Hence, another potential hit ruined through shady development and false advertising.
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Ryan was born in Barbados and grew up with a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. He is an accomplished blogger, freelance writer and vlogger. He is also an avid gamer (in case you couldn't tell from the things he writes about).