14 Controversial Video Game Moments That Pissed Off The Fanboys

4. EA Abandons The Sinking Wii U!

Ea Wii U Part Ways A large install base is critical to any hardware's success these days, especially video game consoles. Unfortunately, Nintendo still can't catch a break in this age even with their latest offering the Wii U, launched back in Holiday 2012. In fact, the Wii U was already on its way to having an abysmal library of games, thanks to Electronic Arts, which is ironic considering the fact that the company is a major provider of third party titles for consoles. At first, EA seem poised to support the console all the way; porting triple A titles such as Mass Effect 3, FIFA 13 and more of its launch library. But due to the fact that its hardware sales were only trickling in through the first quarter, EA was eventually forced to make a controversial call; drop support of the Wii U. Of course, this didn't sit well with Nintendo fans who were trying to support the console all the way with their wallets. But even they couldn't really argue with the fact that their "support" just wasn't enough to convince EA to put a stake out for Nintendo's failing hardware. While any business man can't really blame EA for ditching Nintendo's new console for its more favourable competition, the PS4 and the Xbox One released later that year, fans of Nintendo will forever feel betrayed by EA over this turn of events.
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Ryan was born in Barbados and grew up with a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. He is an accomplished blogger, freelance writer and vlogger. He is also an avid gamer (in case you couldn't tell from the things he writes about).