14 Controversial Video Game Moments That Pissed Off The Fanboys

3. The GTA Online Launch Catastrophe!

In September, 2013, Rockstar triumphed again with another successful Grand Theft Auto game. In fact, GTA V is the pinnacle of all crime simulators, topping previous entries and competitors alike with its larger than life sandbox. And Rockstar were only just getting started; Rockstar was gearing up to expand the world of GTAV with the inclusion of its multiplayer portion called GTA Online. But when it was launched the following month, GTA V fans were in for a rude awakening. Within the first week, players experienced lock out from the servers when trying to log in. When they finally succeeded, they were greeted with constant crashes. Although Rockstar removed these problems with a patch, a new problem arise the following week in the form of players progression being erased. Rockstar patched things up again and even released a stimulus of $500,000 to compensate all players affected by the bugs. While all things seem well with GTA Online right now, it was a bumpy ride to get to this point. Hopefully, Rockstar can avoid future situations with their current servers.
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Ryan was born in Barbados and grew up with a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. He is an accomplished blogger, freelance writer and vlogger. He is also an avid gamer (in case you couldn't tell from the things he writes about).