14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

6. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Release date: 14th October (NA) 17th (EU) One of those sleeper-hits that became something of a phenomenon thanks to relentless fan-interaction and forum posts along the lines of "Guys... you really should see this!", the Borderland's Pre-Sequel is set to expand on the fan-favourite character of Handsome Jack, but not at the expense of always delivering literally millions more options for weapon customisation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_lsI0JAqcU From the latest trailer you'd be forgiven for thinking they're taking on Destiny at their own game, and as the former series was one of the main points of comparison for Bungie's latest, that could be true. With steady loot-drops and some of the most ludicrously enjoyable weapons you'll ever get your hands on, Borderlands is caked in an unforgettable sense of style and humour, and we can't wait to see Gearbox get back to what they do best following the criminally disastrous Aliens: Colonial Marines.
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