14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

5. The Crew

Release date: 2nd December If there's one genre that people point to when analysing just how much horsepower their newest machines have, it's racing. How shiny and well-realised any number of complex supercars can be portrayed across any number of games tends to get petrolheads in a twist for, well, forever really. Following Driveclub's pretty pants critical reception and total lack of in-depth customisation, those more in favour of things like the Burnout or the Need For Speed series can look to The Crew to deliver the thrills once again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISys5W-WOM8 The really amazing thing - if it holds up in the final release - is the seemingly-impossible undertaking of mapping out the entire middle-belt of the US; from San Francisco to New York and everywhere in between. So far it seems genuinely crazy that a developer could do such a thing, but therein lies the might of Ubisoft. If they can pull off a series of high-octane races both street and off-road across everywhere from Wall Street to the Golden Gate Bridge, then count us in.
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