14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

4. Assassin's Creed: Unity/Rogue

Release date for both: November 11th (NA) 13th (EU) We're doubling up this entry as the only thing that's going to dictate which title you buy is which console you have. AC: Unity is the fancier-looking version with an entirely new movement system and a few bucketloads of graphical power doused over every inch, whereas Rogue looks to tell a more interesting story of a renegade Assassin who becomes a Templar - yet is literally almost exactly the same as last year's Black Flag when it comes to gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7DEwM7VpfU Speaking of Rogue though it looks to be a pretty different take - at least tonally - on the faux-religious dialogue we usually get between the Assassins and those around them, mainly because it looks like we'll be hunting down scores of other Assassins using the abilities character Shay Patrick Cormac acquires before his own betrayal. How this will manifest in-game we've already ran some theories on before more details were released, but if it's far more shinier graphics you're after, Unity will be your hidden blade of choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ0teGZD4pg Sharing the same headspace as Call of Duty, the AC games are those that any who have played many over the years can attest to being solidly produced (apart from part three) and easily enjoyable - it's just getting increasingly tiring having essentially the same gameplay system trotted out year after year. Unity boasts a new traversal system and some gorgeous architecture, which is enough to draw fans of the core gameplay back for more - it's just going to be up in the air until the end of October whether this is an AC III stumble or a Black Flag achievement.
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