14 Mind-Blowing Video Game Fan Theories That Change Everything

12. Companion Cubes Are Filled With Human Remains - Portal

portal lab rat comic

Started by a very in-depth Game Theory video and elaborated on in this forum thread, the theory plays on the fact that it's just a liiiitle bit too strange how there aren't more bodies/test subjects lying around the Aperture Science labs.

After all, what are all the acid-filled test chambers used for, if not the disposal of failed experiments by the cold-hearted GLaDOS?

User siomasm notes, "With everyone having died at nearly the same point, save for test subjects who were activated over time, there would be no one to properly bury them or humanely dispose of them, so in that regard, the cubes provide an efficient manner of storage and retain a purpose beyond this."

GLaDOS herself actually notes that if the Cube says anything, it should be "disregarded", and Portal 2's Lab Rat comic does feature the cube talking - perhaps hinting at the notion that whatever substance/state our test subjects get converted into, can somehow regain sentience.

While we're on, let's just steer clear of assuming the beloved cake isn't a small family or something...

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