14 Most Hotly-Anticipated Video Games Of Summer 2016 - Ranked
9. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
It's easy to dismiss the LEGO games as all being exactly the same - and considering Traveller's Tales have barely evolved the basic mechanics of how everyone controls, you'd mostly be right. However, for The Force Awakens, and the first major game based on the beloved movie outside Disney Infinity 3.0, they're adding - wait for it - a cover system!
It's 2006 all over again, but honestly the LEGO games have always had charm spilling out of every pore, alongside character designs and humorously-directed cutscenes that just make you fall in love with the brand all over again.
The Force Awakens could simply be 'just another LEGO game', but when the bar is already set so comfortably high, that's more than alright by me.
Plus, have you seen LEGO Kylo Ren? D'awww.