14 Nightmarish Resident Evil Monsters

4. Licker

resident evil 2 remake licker

The Licker debuted in Resident Evil 2 and is arguably the franchise’s most iconic and original monster design.

The Licker is a zombie further altered by the T-Virus; this second mutation causes the victim to shed its skin and eyes rendering the Licker blind. The monster relies on its enhanced hearing to track prey, prompting players to gingerly creep through areas where Lickers are hunting - the clicking of their long claws a dead giveaway to their presence.

As you might guess by the name, the Lickers most distinguishing feature is their long whip-like tongues which they use to lash at or ensnare their victims (and back in the original Resi 2 could actually decapitate players with).

Despite the Lickers' popularity with fans, they’ve made scant few appearances in the series and had been absent for some time till the recent RE2 and RE3 remakes brought them back with horrifying effect.

As if Lickers weren’t gross enough, their brains are exposed just to make them more difficult to look at.


Ben is an avid fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He also loves video games but is alarmed at his steadily growing back log; he hopes to finish Red Dead Redemption 2 sometime around 2030.