14 Nightmarish Resident Evil Monsters

2. Mr. X

resident evil 2 remake licker

When Mr. X first appeared in Resident Evil 2, he was only encountered during players’ second playthroughs and was a little underdeveloped – the developers were clearly experimenting with the idea of a monster that would pursue the player in preparation for Nemesis in the sequel.

But the RE2make gave Mr. X an expanded role and a slight makeover (now with a jaunty hat!).

Once Mr. X first appears, he’s difficult to ignore, particularly in the police station which he patrols relentlessly, searching for the player and rushing to your location when he hears gunfire, further complicating combat when he arrives. If Mr. X is anywhere in your remote vicinity, you’ll hear his heavy footsteps reverberating throughout the building.

This was a fantastic dread-inducing addition; after spending hours trying to evade Mr. X in the police station it was a relief to finally escape him, even if it was only for a brief time.

RE2make added lots of personality to Mr. X. Although his weird papery face shows no emotion, Mr. X’s mannerisms do a lot of work in subtle ways - rolling his arms theatrically like a pro-wrestler after he throws a punch or casually adjusting his hat after he shrugs off your bullets like they were nothing.


Ben is an avid fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He also loves video games but is alarmed at his steadily growing back log; he hopes to finish Red Dead Redemption 2 sometime around 2030.