14 Perfectly Timed "Oh Sh*t!" Gaming Images

12. Outlast - The Thing That Needs A Dentist

Some people deserve exactly what they get. Outlast tells the story of a journalist that is headline-depraved enough to run into an ominous asylum that hosted some shady experiments, and because he's such a brave soul, he did so without even packing a handgun or at least a knife. What could go wrong? Well, this for a start. When your primary combat method is hiding, you should probably be better at it than just hiding under the bed, which is probably the first place a monster would look.

11. GMOD - Too Much Trouble In Terrorist Town

Pose for the camera guys. Wait, why are you pointing that rifle at...? The moral of the story here is never to trust so-called friends in any online gaming situation, particularly if they agree to a hiatus from perpetually raining murder on each other in order to pose for a few screenshots for the family album. Naturally, this act of treachery marked the beginning of a long and bloody war that hasn't been resolved just yet.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.