14 Pokémon Based On Bizarre Real Life Creatures

9. Stunfisk Is A Stargazer

Stunkfish Stargazer

What Is It?

The Stargazer is a type of saltwater fish that has evolved to keep its eyes on the top of its head. Unfortunately (if you happen to be a fish in the area) these are not so much for stargazing as they are for ambushing unsuspecting passers by. They're also horribly venemous, so much so that Ichthyologist William Leo Smith gleefully called them the "meanest things in creation." shortly after buying one as a pet.

Fun Fact:

As well as being venemous, they're also able to deliver a nasty electric shock, just like Stunfisk, and produce a worm-shaped lure from their mouths to attract their prey. Sexy.

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