14 Things We Learned From Gamescom 2017

1. The Xbox One X Continues To Be A Tough Sell

Xbox One X

Microsoft received plenty of flak for their Gamescom presentation this year, which many hoped would make a strong case for the Xbox One X after a hugely underwhelming E3 and, well, a generally disappointing year for the brand as a whole.

Sadly, that wasn't to be the case: fans got a vertical console stand, a Definitive Edition of last year's mediocre ReCore, and 4K versions of several games that most potential XOX owners probably couldn't make themselves give a toss about.

Simply, Microsoft hasn't convincingly sold the console as a must-own platform, because as beautiful as Forza Motorsport 7 looks, where the Hell are the other games?

This may be a case where announcing games too early might've actually worked in their favour, because otherwise things are looking mighty barren in terms of must-have exclusives. Not quite what The World's Most Powerful Console needs.


Which Gamescom reveals and announcements got you the most excited? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.