14 Worst Video Game Boss Battles Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Arkham Knight's Tank Battles - Batman: Arkham Knight

Although it was developed by Warner Bros. Montreal, Arkham Origins' Deathstroke battle was absolutely brilliant. Fists flew in all directions, bodies danced and swords clashed a number of times with a satisfying clang . Sure it was a bit repetitive, but a solid combination of button-mashing exchanges and directly controllable melee attacks made it a total highlight. Come the battle with the Arkham Knight, fans were expecting something similar - but rather than taking on the Knight head-on, going hand-to-hand for the duration and occasionally outwitting him in a Mr. Freeze-style cat n' mouse game, we got tank battles. Tank.Battles. Not just one awfully designed showdown where you had to literally hide around corners whilst in the Batmobile either, but another in a ridiculously cramped tunnel 'raceway' where you had to lead the Knight into a closed space where he'd get stuck. It didn't feel like Batman gaining the upper hand more than a super serious re-skin of a plotline that would've felt more at home with Adam West in the 60's, and although you eventually got to sneak up on the AK to finish him off for good later on, it's still an overwhelmingly disappointing denouement to what should have defined this console generation.
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