15 Awesome Video Games From 2017 You Probably Missed

3. South Park: The Fractured But Whole

South Park Fractured But Whole

Although The Stick of Truth was a damn fine RPG (save for realising you could do the most damage with, ahem, fart-burn combos), Fractured But Whole felt like a sequel that took so long to appear, the majority of people had given up waiting.

Practically limping out of development with little fanfare, its sales were still sizeable enough thanks to the pulling power of South Park, but as far as any gaming populace goes, FBW barely got a look in. And that's a real shame, because although this was mostly "more of the same", Ubisoft added a neat grid-based mechanic to combat, meaning that attacks and defence had to factor in spacial awareness.

Atop that you've got excellent poke-fun commentary at the ongoing behemoth that is superhero cinema, alongside a solid progression where stat boosts and new moves come every couple hours or so.

South Park was never going to topple the likes of CD Projekt RED, Bethesda or Square Enix, but as a solid throwback to turn-based combat replete with all the show's usual personality quirks, there's nothing better.

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